Class Information
This workshop brings new potential for the Touch for Health Kinesiologist, both for personal and practitioner growth.
Having a greater understanding and knowledge of the interplay of this energy medicine in everyday life, in the body, in relationships and in the universe, giving more clues to the meaning of the patterns and connections we observe on the 5 element ‘map’.
Learn how to interpret the information our clients present to us through their posture, dialogue, ordinary and extraordinary meridians, 5 element patterns – and their surroundings!!
All the underlying principles and concepts are reviewed and new ones are added. You will be able to use Finger Modes, assist temperature, stimulation and flow. You will also balance the 4 levels of 5 elements.
Course Tutor: Helena Argüelles
Touch for Health Proficiency
The course has been adapted from work created by Sandy Gannon (1955-2020) with kind permission of her family